Rapidbott Bot Templates


Templates are complete bots and add-ons that are pre-designed, and pre-configured bot structures,These are made by developers and other users to provide easy pre-made bot structures for users to use and increase accuracy and efficiency in their work. Any user can easily create their own template by following the template creation steps below.

Templates can include all the flows, variables, automation, tools, menus, and widgets of a premade bot.

Use Cases

There are several templates available in the Rapidbott template store and each is built for specific purposes. Some of the specific use cases are mentioned below:

Customer Support: Assisting customers with inquiries and issues in real-time.

Lead Generation: Qualifying and capturing potential sales leads.

E-commerce: Helping users browse products, make purchases, and track orders.

Appointment Scheduling: Booking appointments or reservations.

FAQs: Providing answers to frequently asked questions.

HR and Recruitment: Managing job applications and HR-related queries.

Healthcare: Offering medical advice, appointment booking, and health information.

Travel and Booking: Assisting with travel bookings, flight information, and recommendations.

Banking and Finance: Providing account information, transaction history, and financial insights.

Education: Supporting students with course information and learning resources.

The Template Store

To install a template from the store simply head to the template store and from there users can access many templates that are created by users and Rapidbott developers.

The prices of bots can range from being free to paid, users can select and install the specific type of bot from the Rapidbott Template store.

Installing Bot from the Template store

Step 1

Step 1 is to make sure that the bot’s construction is suitable for the work that has to be done by the bot.

A table will be present on the left side on the page of step 1 ,the information will represent the bot’s construction in a brief manner.

The steps represent the number of nodes that are used in achieving the required task of the bot while the custom fields represent the number of variables created by users especially for this bot . The number of sub flows represents the number of flows that will be installed in the bot . Keywords represent the number of special keywords used in the bot.

Step 2

The second step is to make sure to choose the right bot that the template bot will be used in if there is no bot to be used in, then the system will ask the user to create a new bot first in order to install a bot template.

Users can search for specific bots that they have already created on their workspace and choose one of the bot that the template bot will be used in. Users should make sure that the correct bot is selected before advancing to the third step.

Step 3

The final step describes more about the bot that is to be installed .

Finally, to install the bot simply click on the “install now” button to get a link to the bot. The new bot template will be installed .

Creating a Bot Template

Rapidbott allows its users to create their own bot templates which can also be sold at their own price or kept free for other users.

To create a bot template just head to the My Contents option on the left-hand side of the page and from there a page like this will be displayed.

Before just jumping to create a bot template Users should also know about the options on this page which will help them achieve better results in creating bot templates.

My Bot templates.

This option allows users to look at all the bot templates that they have already created.

Bot Template Installs

This option allows users to look at all the bot templates that are already installed.

Bot Template sales

This feature allows users to look at how much sales are generated of the bot templates that are created for selling purposes.

New Template

Users can create Bot Templates by clicking on the new template button to initialize the process of creating a new Bot template.

This is the first step in creating a bot template. In this step the user is asked to specify the source bot which is the bot to be made into a template. The users must make sure that the correct source bot is selected.

This is the first step in creating a bot template. In this step the user is asked to specify the source bot which is the bot to be made into a template. The users must make sure that the correct source bot is selected.

Step 2

The second step in the process of bot template creation is the selection of the type of bot that is to be made into a template.

Bot Template

This option takes the complete bot and makes it into a template that will either create a new bot for the users or replace the existing bot for the user with the installed template.

Sub Flow Template

The sub flow template allows users to take the bot template and use it in the existing bots which can work as a part of the existing bot. The user can simply choose the flows that are to be present in the sub flow template to create a sub flow template.

Step 3

After selecting one of the two options of Bot template and Sub flow template another page containing information about the bot will appear. This page is known as the content review page which shows the content that the bot already contains. The information is displayed on the right side within the box of content overview.

Step 4

This step allows users to give a name to their template and further explain details in description while also giving a specified version of template which is optional.

The custom image can also be uploaded to give the template a more customized feel by the users.

The Auto update feature allows users to update the template while also updating the template for the users that are using the template.

Lastly, the option of a publishable template allows the users to give access to other users to update and publish this template as their own versions.

  • The editable option allows the users to give access to edit the template flows to their own use but if the template edit option is not turned on then the template will not be editable for users.

  • The viewable option allows the user to give access to other users to view template details and flows but if the option is not allowed then it will only show the description provided by the user.

This way in simple steps users can make their own templates.

Editing Template

Editing Template allows users to further customize the template behavior for other users .

After clicking the edit button a whole page with customizable information will be displayed , here the user can fully customize the details of the template.

  • The type of links can be changed from one time link to a permanent link while also providing options for private and public links .

  • Default settings is the option of permanent shared link allowing users to use the template link any time

  • The Public link allows all users to access the template but only if the template is approved and is listed on Rapidbott template store.

  • One time link allows users to create a one time link it can be used for private or public use but it secures the template from being opened multiple times from a single link.

  • Private link allows users to create a link only to be used within the workspace , The link will not work if the same workspace is not logged in .

  • Price of the templates can also be changed from the option of template price. (Default is free)

  • Details about the templates can be updated while the guidelines allow the users to explain behaviors and details to install about the template.

  • A category section can also be used to specify the type of template which helps the users to search specifically for the type of template.

  • If a template demo is recorded, then a link can simply be added in the demo option to help the users to get to know more about the template.

  • Lastly, multiple images can also be uploaded to give a more custom feel to the template.

To update the template, you will need to go back to the source flow in "All Bots", edit it and come back to click "Update Flow" here. The system will list the differences between the old version and the updated version.

Installing Publishable template

When installing a publishable only template the system will inform the user about the template being publishable only and the user would not be able to view or edit the template flows.

After installing the template the flows will not open because the flow was only publishable

Editable Template

The editable only template at the time of installing will notify the user about the behavior of the template .

The users can only see the folder and the number of flows installed in the bot but cannot take a look at what is inside the folders similar to the situation with publishable only templates.

Viewable only templates

At the time of installing a viewable only template the system will inform users about the conditions and the restrictions of a viewable only template

A viewable-only template will open and users can take a look at the flows but cannot edit or publish it due to the restriction of the template being viewable only.

Last updated